th January 2025
- Trophy page:
- You can now search pirates that were not already in my database
- If a pirate is searched that doesn't exist, it cannot be searched for again for a month
- If a pirate has no trophies, it cannot be searched for again for 10 days
- If a pirate page fails, it goes to the end of the queue, if it fails 5 times it cannot be updated for 4 hours
- Outfitter:
- Fixed face image when changing from having facial hair to none
- This includes cultist facepaint and the Bearded Santa Hat
- Fixed layering of familiars while walking
th January 2025
- Site has moved servers
- Restructured everything behind the scenes, there maybe some uncaught errors, please let me know if you find any
- YARRG commodity prices are currently not updating. My internal mail system is not set up yet, this will be done soon
- Trophy page: Almost there...
- Updates now working again:
- Limited requests to the yoweb server by;
- Update button is visible if last update was more than 12 hours ago
- Updates are put into a queue
- One pirate from the queue gets processed every minute
- Each user can only have 5 pirates queued at a time
- This queue is working but not thoroughly tested. I will keep an eye on it, and these restrictions may change
- Some user-friendlyness to come, eg. update buttons on the top 100 lists
- Some features still missing but will make a return
- The watchlist
- The url parameters updating to current pirate
- Showing of trophies not currently on yppedia
- Outfitter: Almost there...
- Re-worked page completely
- Hopefully is easier to use, let me know if you have any suggestions
- More things are available such as the cultist facepaint and skellies/werewolves, and crazy mix & matches
- You can right-click on the pirate sprite or the front on face, to bring up a menu to save as a png or copy to clipboard
- Just need to work on a tidy way to share/save outfits, and share/save pirate configurations
th December 2024
- Ocean Populations: New tool
- View the populations of Emerald, Cerulean & Meridian (Since I started collecting the data in late June 2024)
- Counts are of active pirates (any pirate that logged in within the last 10 days)
- Data is collected from these yoweb pages;
- Click on any point on the line graph to see that date in more detail (population by island & archipelago)
th September 2024
st September 2024
- Outfitter:
- Fixed skin colour around edge of eyepatch on the face image
- Added a swap colour button;
- Appears if the article has two colour choices and those colours are different
- Only works for familiars that use the two textile palettes
- Trophies:
- Made the pirate names in the 'percentage of pirates with this trophy' pop up hyperlinks
- Tokens:
- Included Haunted Seas, Atlantis and Buried Treasure Expo chests
load older changes
Have any feedback, problems or suggestions? Feel free to reach out:
Love what I'm doing? I accept donations but please don't feel obliged
You could /tip or /pay Mantid (on Emerald); or even consider real money and Buy me a Coffee